New Chemical Pictures Book and Video Series June 2019
In the summer of 2017, I decided I wanted to write and release a new edition of Chemical Pictures. It’s been 5 years since I’ve made any changes to my book (2013). I have, or had, a lot to add. Little things as well as big ones.
I wanted to reorganize the book, too. I’ve added the Wet Plate Collodion Negatives and Prints (P.O.P.) book into this release. An entire guide on all of the variants. I think it sits at about 170 pages right now. With artwork, it might be close to 250 pages when it goes to the publisher. It’s 12 chapters of in-depth, personal knowledge and technical experience. The 13th Chapter is my new body of work called, „The Sand Creek Massacre“ (it may change at publication, this is at least, a working title). It’s a portion of the Ghost Dance work I started several years ago.
I know that every hour of time I’ve put into this will be worth it. I’m not saying there won’t be any more changes in the process, there will be, but I doubt there will be anything that will warrant a rewrite of this book. If there is, someone else will have to take that up. This book will indeed be a complete guide to the process and its variants. And it will be my last on this topic.
After teaching over 1,000 people (from all over the world) this process, I realized that I had more to add to this “learning curve”. Every once in a while, I’ll get an email from someone that says, “Here’s my first successful plate! All due to your book and videos!” That’s what drives me. To know the time I’m spending will be valuable to people that I will never meet or even talk to – that’s powerful!
Special Edition: I wanted to share what I’m going to do for the release of the book – June 1, 2019. The first 300 prints of the book will be numbered #1/300, #2/300, #3/300, etcetera. I want to treat it like a series (editioned) of artwork.
Each book will be personalized and signed, by me, for the buyer. And I may end up putting a small token of appreciation in the book, too. I’ll keep that as a surprise!
Not only will the book be loaded with detailed technical information, but I will also have a body of NEW WORK in the book, work that HAS NOT been published (in other words, you haven’t seen it, see comment in the first paragraph).
And now we come to cost. The plan is to have the 250-page tome, along with a NEW HD VIDEO SERIES, I CALL „CHEMICAL PICTURES VIRTUAL WORKSHOP VIDEO SERIES“ (via Vimeo login), available for $125 USD (plus shipping). After the first 300 books are sold, the series will be complete and closed and the book will go on Amazon. Amazon books will not be signed or editioned. Click here to see a sample video: Chapter 5 – Making Plate Cleaner.
So, if you are interested in grabbing a little piece of history, and you want to learn the process, sign up to receive a copy. I’m asking people that want to purchase a book, to send me your name and email. I’ll send you a notification when the book will ship (planned for the first week in June 2019).
Thank you for all of the support over the years (almost 20 now!) – I truly appreciate it. You make it possible for me to do things like this; in the end, I hope it’s valuable not only for today but way into the future. Your help has made that happen!
Thank you!
Other Resources
- The ferrotype and how to make it‘ by Edward M. Estabrooke
- The silver sunbeam‘ by John Towler
- Treatise of photography on collodion‘ by Charles Waldack, Peter Neff